Hypnotists, Hypnotherapists, Coaches, NLPers, Changeworkers


Create Magical Results With Your Clients By Doing Less

Uncover the underlying principles that create deep, fast, and effective change through transformative conversations.

Doors Closed

"This is truly a no-fluff, high-value program that teaches things in a way that is both simple and profound at the same time. It has without a doubt been the best hypnosis training that I have ever taken."

  • - CHF Student

*All claims above represent an ideal outcome.

Hypnotists, Hypnotherapists, Coaches, NLPers, Changeworkers


Create Magical Results With Your Clients By Doing Less

Learn the underlying principles that create deep, positive, and rapid changes in as little as 1 - 2 sessions.

June 29th & 30th, 2024, from 12:00 pm to 6:30 pm EST each day.

*All claims above represent an ideal outcome.


This is an invitation to a training program that will dramatically transform what you believe is possible with change work.

If you'd like to achieve greater results with your clients while doing less, this training is for you.

Along the way, you will be shifting your entire paradigm of how you work and change the way you see what you do forever.

This approach is about working at the level of principles, not techniques. However, everything you acquire in this training can be used to amplify the results you see with the techniques and methods you currently use.

After going through this training, the way you work with your clients will never be the same again.

It will feel lighter, more dynamic, and fun, providing you with more flexibility than you ever imagined was possible previously.

You will also consistently witness your clients transform before your eyes, all without resorting to force or adhering to outdated approaches.

You’ll be able to work in a way that is completely unique to you, setting you apart from everyone else, while doing less and charging a premium price for your services.

Best of all, the changes your clients experience will pave the way for referrals.

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You feel like it's your responsibility to fix your clients and solve their problems.

  • Your results with clients are inconsistent and unreliable.

  • You struggle to get certain clients to respond to a specific technique or process.

  • You are spending a lot of time on pre-session and post-session preparation.

  • You don’t actually know what causes some clients to transform compared to those who don’t.

  • You’re bored with following the same repetitive method over and over again, client after client.

  • You don’t know how to deal with ‘resistant’ clients.

  • You don’t know what to do with clients who won’t go into trance or stay in hypnosis.

If you shouting a loud, resounding “Yes” inside of your head...

What if I told you there's a way to produce consistent, reliable results for your clients while doing less?

No more prep, no post-session work, and no complex, rigid formulas to follow.

No more inductions, no deepeners, no convincers, and no scripts.

You will eliminate all of these things and more when you understand the underlying principles that create deep and profound shifts for your clients.

Pssst…it will contradict most, if not everything, you’ve already been taught so far!

Create transformative conversations that resolve longstanding negative emotional patterns and symptoms.

Achieve sustainable, liberating changes for your clients without the usual effort, or pressure you normally place on yourself.

Bring more depth, more humanity and more authenticity into your sessions.

It's time to redefine the way you work with your clients and use a rewarding process that skyrockets your clients' results.

If you're shouting a loud, resounding “Yes” inside of your head...

What if I told you there's a way to produce consistent, reliable results for your clients while doing less?

No more prep, no post-session work, and no complex, rigid formulas to follow.

No more inductions, no deepeners, no convincers, and no scripts.

You will eliminate all of these things and more when you understand the underlying principles that create deep and profound shifts for your clients.

Pssst…it will contradict most, if not everything, you’ve already been taught so far!

Learn to create transformative conversations that dissolve longstanding negative emotional patterns and symptoms.

Achieve sustainable, liberating changes for your clients without the usual effort, or pressure you normally place on yourself.

Bring more depth, more humanity and more authenticity into your sessions.

It's time to redefine the way you work with your clients and create a truly magical experience that skyrockets your clients' results.


2-Day (CHF) Conversational Hypnosis Foundations Training + Online Learning Platform

A Foundational Understanding

Build from the ground up. Once you understand the foundations of conversational hypnosis, everything you add from that point forward is about mastering what you do.

Practical Learning

Many trainings are based on theory and little to no practical work. This does not help you once you have real clients sitting in front of you. This training is practical first, theory second.

Develop Genuine Confidence

When you understand what causes transformation to occur, you will feel confident in being able to deliver reliable results for your clients time and time again.

Continuous Ascension & Growth

Unlike other approaches, this style of working with clients doesn't have a ceiling. It's something you can always continue to get better at.

A Resilient Approach

Discover a system that is adaptable to each client and works for a wide range of problems with varying complexities.

A Freeing Process

Feel confident knowing how to start a session and where to go next with no preparation required.


2-Day (CHF) Conversational Hypnosis Foundations Training + Online Learning Platform

A Foundational Understanding

Build from the ground up. Once you understand the foundations of conversational hypnosis, everything you add from that point forward is about mastering what you do.

Practical Learning  

Many trainings are based on theory and little to no practical work. This does not help you once you have real clients sitting in front of you. This training is practical first, theory second.

Develop Genuine Confidence

When you understand what causes transformation to occur, you will feel confident in being able to deliver reliable results for your clients time and time again.

Continuous Learning & Growth

Unlike other approaches, this style of working with clients doesn't have a ceiling. It's something you can always continue to get better at.

A Resilient Approach

*Learn a system that works regardless of the type of client sitting in front of you or the 'complexity' of their problem.

A Freeing Process

Always know how to start a session and where to go next with no preparation required.

Don't Just Take My Word For It

"Working with Paul has been an outstanding experience. I have worked with other practitioners in the past but Paul's skills out did them all."

- Tom M.

"I can't begin to describe how many positive changes I have had since our session. Absolutely amazing!! Highly recommended."

- Dina Mantula

" Paul was born to do this work."

- K Goyer

*All testimonials represent an ideal outcome.

Don't Just Take My Word For It

"Working with Paul has been an outstanding experience. I have worked with other practitioners in the past but Paul's skills out did them all."

- Tom M

"I can't begin to describe how many positive changes I have had since our session. Absolutely amazing!! Highly recommended."

- Dina Mantula

"Paul was born to do this work"

- K Goyer


Create life-changing results for your clients in a dramatically shorter period of time.

Master the art of accelerating your clients’ breakthroughs by slowing down and doing less.

Here's a sneak peek of just some of what you’ll take away from the 2-Day (CHF) Conversational Hypnosis Foundations Training + Online Learning Platform:

  • How to never have to prepare for a session again.

  • Understand how to work with any client without needing to rely upon scripts, techniques, formulas, or fixed steps.

  • Throw away formal inductions, deepeners, suggestibility tests, and convincers and get even more powerful results.

  • Recognize when your clients are in trance versus out of trance and know how to assist them either way.

  • Understand how to work with 'difficult' clients despite everything you've read and tried already.

  • Know how to deal with resistant and analytical clients (hint: resistance is a gateway to trance).

  • Create results for your clients in as little as 1-2 sessions that would normally take many sessions using other approaches.

  • Create shifts in your clients that continue to expand and compound weeks and months after your work together.

  • Transform your clients' lives before they realize the change has taken place, or it seems like the session has even started.

  • Create deep-level changes that have a ripple effect into other areas of your clients' lives.

  • Discover how to use conversational hypnosis without needing to remember fancy language patterns, metaphors, or stories.

  • Discover a way of working that provides you with the freedom to bring your own personality into your sessions and stop feeling like you have to follow a rigid format or formula.

  • Find out why most of what you've already been taught about hypnosis isn't necessary in order to help your clients experience change.

  • Understand the principles that underlie all hypnotic change work (and any techniques that work).

  • Use CHF to deliver multiple sessions in one, saving you time and allowing you to charge premium prices for your services.

  • How to become the hypnotist that your clients refer their family members and friends to for years to come.

And much more...

Here's a sneak peek of just some of what you’ll take away from the 2-Day (CHF) Conversational Hypnosis Foundations Training + Online Learning Platform:

  • Learn how to never have to prepare for a session again.

  • Understand how to work with any client without needing to rely upon scripts, techniques, formulas, or fixed steps.

  • Throw away formal inductions, deepeners, suggestibility tests, and convincers and get even more powerful results.

  • Recognize when your clients are in trance versus out of trance and know how to assist them either way.

  • Learn how to work with 'difficult' clients despite everything you've read and tried already.

  • Know how to deal with resistant and analytical clients (hint: resistance is a gateway to trance).

  • Create results for your client in just one or two sessions that would normally take many sessions using other approaches.

  • Create shifts in your clients that continue to expand and compound weeks and months after your work together.

  • Transform your clients' lives before they realize the change has taken place, or it seems like the session has even started.

  • Create deep-level changes that have a ripple effect into other areas of your clients' lives.

  • Learn how to use conversational hypnosis without needing to remember fancy language patterns, metaphors, or stories.

  • Learn a way of working that provides you with the freedom to bring your own personality into your sessions and stop feeling like you have to follow a rigid format or formula.

  • Learn to disregard 90% of the fluff taught in the hypnosis world that isn't necessary but continues to be taught anyway.

  • Understand the principles that underlie all hypnotic change work (and any techniques that work).

And so much more...

"Paul is a brilliant teacher and mentor."

*All testimonials represent an ideal outcome.

As a part of this training, you will also gain access to 5 Masterclasses


Emotional Tranceformation

  • Understand how your clients' emotions are a doorway to rapid transformation.

  • Recognize that emotional reactions are a form of trance that can be utilized to your clients' advantage.

  • Help your clients release long-standing emotions that have been holding them back for decades.

  • Shift your clients' thoughts, perspective, and behavior just by helping them change the way they feel.

  • Realize that a key part to changing your client's mindset and behavior can often be as simple as changing how they feel.


Mixing Metaphors

  • Use your clients' metaphors to put them into trance.

  • Utilize your clients' metaphors to help them unlock the solution to their problems.

  • Understand what metaphors really have to do with deep-level changes.

  • Utilize the language patterns your clients provide you with to facilitate change, rather than trying to be clever and attempting to come up with your own.

  • Understand why using preconstructed metaphors is unnecessary and can actually take away from deep, meaningful change that will truly make a difference in your clients’ lives.

  • Know how to identify when your clients are using unconscious metaphors versus conscious metaphors and why this is so important.


Conflicting Realities/Polarities

  • Uncover and resolve the inner conflicts (conflicting realities) underneath your clients' presenting problems.

  • Discover how polarities form the basis of every problem.

  • Get your clients to experience spontaneous parts integration work conversationally, with little to no effort.

  • Use both your clients' problems and motivations (two overarching polarities) to create powerful change.

  • Integrate your clients' polarities so their inner conflicts resolve without coming back.


The Universal Pattern

  • Identify the underlying pattern beneath most successful change work.

  • Understand that it's not the techniques you know that create change, but the principles behind them.

  • Recognize how to adapt the techniques you already know and make them your own.

  • Determine with confidence when a session is complete and know how to start a second or third session.

  • Know how to show your clients they've changed even when they're not aware they've changed yet.

  • *Work on a large variety problems, regardless of how 'big,' strange, or complex they appear to be and know what to do next.


Hypnotic Weaving

  • Integrate Conversational Hypnosis with the techniques/approaches you already know.

  • Reduce the work and time you would normally spend to create tangible changes for your clients.

  • Seamlessly switch to another technique, when you get stuck, without your client even realizing it.

  • Know how to determine if a client has transformed or not before their session ends.

  • Understand how to identify the parameters of your clients' problems and use this to create powerful change.

  • Combine the tools you already know together in a natural way so you can develop your own unique style of working with clients.

As a part of this training, you will also gain access to 5 Masterclasses

MASTERCLASS 1 - January 2024 (Recording)

Emotional Tranceformation

  • Understand how your clients' emotions are a doorway to rapid transformation.

  • Recognize that emotional reactions are a form of trance that can be utilized to your clients' advantage.

  • Help your clients release long-standing emotions that have been holding them back for decades.

  • Shift your clients' thoughts, perspective, and behavior just by helping them change the way they feel.

  • Realize that a key part to changing your client's mindset and behavior can often be as simple as changing how they feel.

MASTERCLASS 2 - February 2024 (Recording)

Mixing Metaphors

  • Use your clients' metaphors to put them into trance.

  • Utilize the language patterns your clients provide you with to facilitate change, rather than trying to be clever and attempting to come up with your own.

  • Understand what metaphors really have to do with deep-level changes.

  • Utilize the language patterns your clients are already providing you with to facilitate change, rather than trying to be clever and attempting to come up with your own.

  • Understand why using preconstructed metaphors is unnecessary and can actually take away from deep, meaningful change that will truly make a difference in your clients’ lives.

  • Know how to identify when your clients are using unconscious metaphors versus conscious metaphors and why this is so important.

MASTERCLASS 3 - March 2024 (Recording)

Conflicting Realities/Polarities

  • Uncover and resolve the inner conflicts (conflicting realities) underneath your clients' presenting problems.

  • Learn how polarities form the basis of every problem.

  • Easily get your clients to experience spontaneous parts integration work conversationally, with no effort.

  • Use both your clients' problems and motivations (two overarching polarities) to create powerful change.

  • Integrate your clients' polarities so their problems disappear and don't come back.

MASTERCLASS 4 - April 2024

The Universal Pattern

  • Identify the underlying pattern beneath any successful change technique.

  • Understand that it's not the techniques you know that create change, but the principles behind them.

  • Adapt the techniques you already know and make them your own.

  • Determine when a session is complete and know how to start a second or third session.

  • Know how to show your clients they've changed even when they're not aware they've changed yet.

  • *Work on any problem, regardless of how 'big,' strange, or complex it appears to be and know what to do next.

MASTERCLASS 5 - May 2024

Hypnotic Weaving

  • Integrate Conversational Hypnosis with the techniques/approaches you already know.

  • Reduce the work and time you would normally spend to create tangible changes for your clients.

  • Seamlessly switch to another technique, when you get stuck, without your client even realizing it.

  • Know how to determine if a client has transformed or not before their session ends.

  • Understand how to identify the parameters of your clients' problems and use this to create powerful change.

  • Combine the tools you already know together in a natural way so you can develop your own unique style of working with clients.

Note: The Masterclasses are live and will be recorded between January and May 2024. See the month each Masterclass will take place above.

Who is this training for?












Please be aware that in order to take part in this training, you must have previous experience with hypnosis, hypnotherapy, change work, or coaching.

This is to ensure you gain the most benefit from this training since you will be exploring how to paint outside the lines of everything you’ve previously learned.

You will also need to already be working with clients since majority of the skills you will acquire in this training will come through practical application, not theory.

What Can CHF Be Used For?

CHF Can Be Used To...

  • Help your clients release the core emotional learnings and beliefs that no longer serve them.

  • Change the emotional memories from your clients' past that are creating negative expectations about the future for them.

  • Break the negative thought loops and emotional spells that are holding your clients back in life.

  • Help your client unwire old programs and rewrite new ones.

  • Prevent the future recurrence of your clients' symptoms by eliminating their problems at the source.

  • Break through the invisible forces that normally keep your clients' problems intact.

  • Know how to work with resistant clients.

  • Understand how to find the 'root cause' and know once you've reached it.

  • Go beyond providing your clients with conscious insight, and help them to connect to genuine unconscious insight and 'aha' moments.

  • Experience more flexibility, more choice, and more freedom in your work

  • Create robust change that you can test.

  • Feel satisfied at the end of the week that you've helped more people to transform their lives.

  • Make powerful breakthroughs become a regular occurrence for your clients.

Help your clients work through everyday problems such as bad habits, worry, low self-esteem, fear, relationship issues, and more.

What Can CHF Be Used For?

CHF Can Be Used To...

  • Help your client release the core emotional learnings and beliefs that no longer serve them.

  • Break the negative thought loops and emotional spells that are holding your client back in life.

  • Change the emotional memories from your client's past that are creating negative expectations about the future for them.

  • Learn how to help your client unwire old programs and simultaneously rewrite new ones.

  • Prevent the future recurrence of symptoms by eliminating your clients' problem at their source.

  • Make powerful breakthroughs become a regular occurrence for your clients.

  • Breakthrough the invisible forces that normally keep your clients' problems intact.

  • Go beyond providing your clients with conscious insight, and help them to connect to genuine unconscious insight and 'aha' moments.

  • Feel satisfied at the end of the week that you've helped more people to transform their lives.

  • Know in advance that you can help your clients.

  • Create real, robust change that you can test.

  • Understand how to find the root cause and know once you've reached it.

  • Experience more flexibility, more choice, and more freedom in your work

  • Know how to work with resistance clients.

  • Feel satisfied at the end of the week that you've helped more people to transform their lives.

  • Make powerful breakthroughs become a regular occurrence for your clients.

Help your clients to work through problems like:
bad habits, worry, low self-esteem, fear, relationship issues and more.

Here’s everything you get with the (CHF) Conversational Hypnosis Foundations training:

  • Access to all future live CHF trainings.

  • Access to the private CHF Whatsapp Group.

  • Access to all CHF Sessions with Paul + Breakdowns.

  • Access to all CHF Demos with Students + Breakdowns.

  • Access to all 5 Masterclasses.

  • Access to all CHF Seminars.

  • Access to all CHF Workshops.

  • Access to 80+ hours of recorded content and growing.

Here’s everything you get with the (CHF) Conversational Hypnosis Foundations training:

  • Access to all future live CHF trainings.

  • Access to the private CHF Whatsapp Group.

  • Access to all CHF Demos + Breakdowns.

  • Access to all 5 Masterclasses.

  • Access to all CHF Seminars.

  • Access to all CHF Workshops.

  • Over 60 hours of recorded content and growing.

What My Students Say...

"...I have been given the chance to train with highly regarded teachers along the years, but I have to say that Paul is on the top of my list."

- Annie Francouer

"Working alongside Paul and training with him has been a gamechanger for me and my clients."

- April Behunin

Feedback From People Who’ve Experienced CHF

"And it was just so weird that it was in one session and I just felt so different after that."

- Ivory

"Through this process, everything came into a level of peace... And I know that during my session, I was just in complete peace."


""In a very short space of time, it's like everything just started clearing without even making a plan for it to clear." ."

- Sian

"What is this? This is amazing."

- Kerry

"It's not just the fake-it-'til-you-make-it confidence. It's real, core confidence. It's the way I'm going about my life, and it has affected work and relationships, just the way I am and how I go about my business. It's been lovely."

- Tony

*All Testimonials represent an ideal outcome.

What My Students Say...

"...I have been given the chance to train with highly regarded teachers along the years, but I have to say that Paul is on the top of my list."

- Annie Francouer

"Working alongside Paul and training with him has been a gamechanger for me and my clients."

- April Behunin

Feedback From People Who’ve Experienced CHF

"And it was just so weird that it was in one session and I just felt so different after that."

- Ivory

"Through this process, everything came into a level of peace... And I know that during my session, I was just in complete peace."

- Claire

"What is this? This is amazing."

- Kerry

"It's not just the fake-it-'til-you-make-it confidence. It's real, core confidence. It's the way I'm going about my life, and it has affected work and relationships, just the way I am and how I go about my business. It's been lovely."

- Tony

The Choice Is Yours!


  • Slow and incremental progress with your clients and many setbacks.

  • Following rigid formulas that work some of the time, but often leave you frustrated.

  • Putting constant pressure on yourself to fix your clients.

  • Not knowing how to adapt to clients who don’t respond correctly to a technique or process.

  • Your clients' results are unreliable and inconsistent.

  • You're bored with your current way of working.


  • Faster breakthroughs and resolution of the problem.

  • No scripts, no formulaic steps, no feeling stuck not knowing what you’re doing wrong.

  • Your clients are solving their own problems and telling you that they’ve changed.

  • Knowing you have options, you have choices, and you can respond to what comes up with confidence.

  • You’re able to create consistent and reliable change.

  • You feel inspired, your work is meaningful, and the results are rewarding.


  • Slow and incremental progress with clients with many setbacks.

  • Following rigid formulas that work some of the time, but often leave you frustrated.

  • Putting constant pressure on yourself to fix your clients.

  • Not knowing how to adapt to clients who don’t respond correctly to the process.

  • Your results are inconsistent.

  • You’re bored with your current way of working.


  • Rapid breakthroughs and resolution of the problem.

  • No scripts, no formulaic steps, no feeling stuck not knowing what you’re doing wrong.

  • Your clients are solving their own problems and telling you that they’ve changed.

  • Knowing you have options, you have choices, and you can respond to what comes up with confidence.

  • You’re able to create consistent and reliable changes for your clients.

  • You feel inspired, your work is meaningful, and the results you’re seeing are rewarding.

What if you could move beyond the techniques, methods, and modalities you already know and achieve even better results with your clients by understanding the underlying principles that create deep, fast, effective transformation?

No scripts, no induction, no deepeners, no convincers, no language patterns, no giving advice, nothing to memorize, no prep, no post-session work - just listening and knowing how to gently nudge your clients just enough so that they're the ones who solve their own inner conflicts and end up telling you that they no longer have a problem.

A way that will allow you to bring your own unique flavour to your sessions with clients.

A way that requires you to do much less and reap greater results.

It's lighter, it's freeing, it's playful, and truly feels magical.

Stop fitting your clients into a box and start working with them in a way that works best for them.

Stop taking training after training to learn more techniques, only to end up still feeling blocked.

If you're ready to move beyond rigid formulas and understand the underlying principles that create deep, fast, and effective transformation that sticks then, (CHF) Conversational Hypnosis Foundations is the perfect training for you.

The Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis Training

An immersive training for hypnotists, hypnotherapists, coaches and NLPers seeking real-world results.

This training is not solely about theory, practicing through role-playing, or reading off scripts, nor is it about learning something that only works in the classroom and not with actual clients.

By taking part in this training you are going to expeirence CHF first-hand as the hypnotist, the client, and as an observer.

This will allow me to coach you and the rest of the students on the course in real-time so you can receive feedback that’s rooted in practice rather than theoretical concepts or textbook advice.

This process is not something you can understand by reading about it.

You have to do it, and experience it, and see it in order to integrate it fully.

This is what makes this process so powerful because no one else will be able to tell what you’re doing from the outside.

The outside observer will have no idea what you’re doing (or, in reality, not doing) that is causing your client to transform without any discernible tool or technique.

This is true indirect hypnosis.

You will distill the essence of what made Erickson’s work appear magical without unnecessarily attempting to mimic him in any way.

With CHF less truly is more.

The Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis Training

An immersive training for hypnotherapists seeking real-world results.

An immersive training for hypnotists, hypnotherapists, coaches and NLPers seeking real-world results.

This training is not solely about theory, role-playing, or reading off scripts, nor is it about learning something that only works in the classroom and not with actual clients.

By taking part in this training you are going to learn by experiencing CHF first-hand as the hypnotist, the client and as an observer.

This will allow me to coach you and the rest of the students on the course in real-time so you can receive feedback that’s rooted in practice rather than theoretical concepts or textbook advice.

This process is not something you can learn by reading about it.

You have to do it, and experience it, and see it in order to integrate it fully.

This training is not about theory, or role-playing, or reading off of scripts or learning something that only works in the classroom and not on actual clients.

By taking part in this training you are going to learn by experiencing CHF first-hand as the hypnotist, the client and as an observer.

This will allow me to coach you and the rest of the students on the course in real-time so you can receive feedback that’s rooted in practice rather than theoretical concepts or textbook advice.

This process is not something you can learn by reading about it.

You have to do it, and experience it, and see it in order to integrate it fully.

This is what makes this process so powerful because no one else will be able to tell what you’re doing from the outside.

The outside observer will have no idea about what you’re doing (or, in reality, not doing) that is causing your client to transform without any discernible technique.

This is true indirect hypnosis.

You will learn how to distill the essence of what made Erickson’s work appear magical without unnecessarily attempting to mimic him in any way.

With CHF less truly is more.

This is what makes this process so powerful because no one else will be able to tell what you’re doing from the outside.

The outside observer will have no idea what it is you’re doing (or in actuality, not doing) that is causing your client to transform with no discernible technique. 

This is true indirect hypnosis.

You will learn how to distill the essence of what made Erickson’s work so magical without attempting to unnecessarily mimic him in any way.

With CHF less is truly more.


I'm Paul Norrish

I have been studying hypnosis (direct, indirect, stage, street, hypnotherapy) for 15+ years and have spent thousands of hours learning the principles that underlie deep, fast, effective change. I’ve taken 50+ programs and trainings, to date, and continue to study daily.

Along the way, I have found a way of working with clients that has allowed me to eliminate a lot of unnecessary information I was taught previously and to adapt to working with almost any client.

Here Is A List Of Just Some Of My Previous Training & Experience:


  • The Landmark Forum – Landmark Worldwide

  • The Advanced Course – Landmark Worldwide

  • The Sedona Method – Hale Dwoskin

  • The Lefkoe Method – Morty Lefkoe

  • Conversational Hypnotherapy – Igor Ledochowski

  • Mind-Bending Language – Igor Ledochowski

  • Advanced Mind-Bending Language Hypnotherapy – Igor Ledochowski

  • Conversational Hypnosis Mastery – Igor Ledochowski

  • Hypnotic Ericksonian Storytelling & Metaphors – Igor Ledochowski

  • Rapid Changework – Jeffrey Stephens

  • Yager-Code – Dr. Edwin Yager, Preetz-Hypnose

  • The Architecture of Hypnosis – Mike Mandel

  • Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques – Mike Mandel

  • Mindscaping – Mike Mandel

  • Head Hacking (Street Hypnosis) – Anthony Jacquin

  • Stage, Street, Therapy – Justin Tranz

  • The Rob Kelly Method For Smoking Cessation – Rob Kelly

  • Ultimate Deep Trance Work – Michał Cieślakowski

  • HeartMath Workshop – The Resilience Advantage™ –Mohammed Sheikh

  • Integral Eye Movement Therapy – Andrew T Austin

  • Hypnotic Workers – Jason Linett

  • Autogenic Hypnosis – ICBCH

  • Integrative NLP Practitioner Course – Certified Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming – Empowerment Partnership

  • BWRT – BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® Level 1 – Terence Watts

  • Rapid Transformational Therapy – Marisa Peer

  • The Arrow Technique – The Jacquin Hypnosis Academy

  • Practical Practitioner: Introduction to Overdurfian Hypnotic Coaching & Rhizomatic Perception – John Overdurf

  • Mind Liberating Language – John Overdurf

  • Telecoaching U – John Overdurf

  • OldPain2Go® – Steven Blake

  • Integrative Addictions Solutions – Melissa Tiers

  • Time Line Therapy – Avalon Empowerment

  • Conversational Hypnosis – Scott Jansen

  • Kinetic Shift – Karl Smith & The UK Hypnosis Academy

  • Modern Hypnotherapy – Jacquin Hypnosis Academy

  • The Profound Somnambulism Protocol – Stephanie Conkle

  • EmRes Modules 1, 2 & 3 – Cedric Bertelli

  • The Simpson Protocol – Ines Simpson

  • Trauma Collapse Therapy – Martin Castor Peterson

  • Instant Emotional Relief Method – Martin Castor Peterson

  • The Control System – Tim Box

  • Performance Enhancement Protocol – Martin Castor Peterson

  • Core Dynamics - Tom Stone

  • MindBlowing MindBending Language – Martin Castor Peterson

  • BLAST® Technique Practitioner – Nick Davies

  • Advanced BLAST® Practitioner – Nick Davies

  • SRTT – The Subconscious Rapid Transformation Technique – Patrick Wanis

  • Advanced Conversational Hypnosis – Scott Jansen

  • Masters of Advanced Conversational Hypnosis – Scott Jansen

  • Trainer of Advanced Conversational Hypnosis – Scott Jansen

  • Core Transformation – Tamara Andreas

  • Inner Child Work – Barry Neale

  • Modern Age Regression – Barry Neale

  • Anchoring for Fast Emotional Change – Barry Neale

  • Anxiety and Panic Attack – Barry Neale

  • Healing From Depression – Barry Neale

  • Parts Therapy – Barry Neale

  • Stop Smoking – Barry Neale

  • Fears and Phobias – Barry Neale

  • Non-Attachment Therapy – Steven Brookes

  • PEAT System Processor Training – Dusan Ridac

  • Integra Protocol – Vladimir Stojakovic

  • Satori Protocol – Vladimir Stojakovic

  • Quick Goals - Filip Mihajlovic

  • Aspectics - Dusan Ridac

  • Expanding Tiger, Crystal Dragon - Ivana Mihajlovic

  • Rapid Resolution Therapy - Foundations - Dr. Jon Connelly

  • Integral Excalibur - Dusan Radic

  • Working with Ent - Dusan Radic


  • Graduate Trainer, RTTⓇ Professional (Live In-Person) – LA November 1st – November 5th 2021

  • Graduate Trainer, RTTⓇ Professional (Live In-Person) – Miami September 27th – October 2nd 2021

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – London February 27th – March 2nd 2020

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – London February 24th – 28th 2020

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – LA October 23 – 27 2019

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – LA October 21 – 25 2019

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – LA May 2019

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – Vancouver April 2019

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – Miami April 2019

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Live Training – LA April 2018

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Live Training – NYC April 2018

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Live Training – LA November 2017

  • Student Support Manager, Rapid Transformational Therapy School

  • Content Course Advisor, Rapid Transformational Therapy School

  • Graduate Trainer, RTT Virtual Classrooms Day 1, 2, 3 2020, 2021

So, you can trust me; I know what's out there.

I also know what works and what doesn't work.


I'm Paul Norrish

I have been studying hypnosis (direct, indirect, stage, street, hypnotherapy) for 15+ years and have spent thousands of hours learning the principles that underlie deep, fast, effective change. I’ve taken 50+ programs and trainings, to date, and continue to study daily.

Along the way, I have found a way of working with clients that has allowed me to eliminate 95% of the fluff that I was taught previously and to adapt to working with almost any client.

Here Is A List Of Just Some Of My Training & Experience:


  • The Landmark Forum – Landmark Worldwide

  • The Advanced Course – Landmark Worldwide

  • The Sedona Method – Hale Dwoskin

  • The Lefkoe Method – Morty Lefkoe

  • Conversational Hypnotherapy – Igor Ledochowski

  • Mind-Bending Language – Igor Ledochowski

  • Advanced Mind-Bending Language

  • Hypnotherapy – Igor Ledochowski

  • Conversational Hypnosis Mastery – Igor Ledochowski

  • Hypnotic Ericksonian Storytelling & Metaphors – Igor Ledochowski

  • Rapid Changework – Jeffrey Stephens

  • Yager-Code – Dr. Edwin Yager, Preetz-Hypnose

  • The Architecture of Hypnosis – Mike Mandel

    Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques – Mike Mandel

  • Mindscaping – Mike Mandel

  • Head Hacking (Street Hypnosis) – Anthony Jacquin

  • Stage, Street, Therapy – Justin Tranz

  • The Rob Kelly Method For Smoking Cessation – Rob Kelly

  • Ultimate Deep Trance Work – Michał Cieślakowski

  • HeartMath Workshop – The Resilience Advantage™ –Mohammed Sheikh

  • Integral Eye Movement Therapy – Andrew T Austin

  • Integrative NLP Practitioner Course – Certified Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming – Empowerment Partnership

  • Hypnotic Workers – Jason Linett

  • BWRT – BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® Level 1 – Terence Watts

  • Rapid Transformational Therapy – Marisa Peer

  • Autogenic Hypnosis – ICBCH

  • The Arrow Technique – The Jacquin Hypnosis Academy

  • Practical Practitioner: Introduction to Overdurfian Hypnotic Coaching & Rhizomatic Perception – John Overdurf

  • Mind Liberating Language – John Overdurf

  • Telecoaching U – John Overdurf

  • OldPain2Go® – Steven Blake

  • Integrative Addictions Solutions – Melissa Tiers

  • Time Line Therapy – Avalon Empowerment

  • Conversational Hypnosis – Scott Jansen

  • Kinetic Shift – Karl Smith & The UK Hypnosis Academy

  • Modern Hypnotherapy – Jacquin Hypnosis Academy

  • The Profound Somnambulism Protocol – Stephanie Conkle

  • EmRes Modules 1, 2 & 3 – Cedric Bertelli

  • The Simpson Protocol – Ines Simpson

  • Trauma Collapse Therapy – Martin Castor Peterson

  • Instant Emotional Relief Method – Martin Castor Peterson

  • Performance Enhancement Protocol – Martin Castor Peterson

  • MindBlowing MindBending Language – Martin Castor Peterson

  • BLAST® Technique Practitioner – Nick Davies

  • Advanced BLAST® Practitioner – Nick Davies

  • SRTT – The Subconscious Rapid

  • Transformation Technique – Patrick Wanis

    The Control System – Tim Box

  • Advanced Conversational Hypnosis – Scott Jansen

  • Masters of Advanced Conversational Hypnosis – Scott Jansen

  • Trainer of Advanced Conversational Hypnosis – Scott Jansen

  • Core Transformation – Tamara Andreas

  • Inner Child Work – Barry Neale

  • Modern Age Regression – Barry Neale

  • Anchoring for Fast Emotional Change – Barry Neale

  • Anxiety and Panic Attack – Barry Neale

  • Healing From Depression – Barry Neale

  • Parts Therapy – Barry Neale

  • Stop Smoking – Barry Neale

  • Fears and Phobias – Barry Neale

  • Non-Attachment Therapy – Steven Brookes

  • PEAT System Processor Training – Dusan Ridac

  • Integra Protocol – Vladimir Stojakovic

  • Satori Protocol – Vladimir Stojakovic

  • Quick Goals - Filip Mihajlovic

  • Aspectics - Dusan Ridac


  • Graduate Trainer, RTTⓇ Professional (Live In-Person) – LA November 1st – November 5th 2021

  • Graduate Trainer, RTTⓇ Professional (Live In-Person) – Miami September 27th – October 2nd 2021

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – London February 27th – March 2nd 2020

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – London February 24th – 28th 2020

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – LA October 23 – 27 2019

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – LA October 21 – 25 2019

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – LA May 2019

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – Vancouver April 2019

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – Miami April 2019

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Live Training – LA April 2018

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Live Training – NYC April 2018

  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Live Training – LA November 2017

  • Student Support Manager, Rapid Transformational Therapy School

  • Content Course Advisor, Rapid Transformational Therapy School

  • Graduate Trainer, RTT Virtual Classrooms Day 1, 2, 3 2020, 2021

So, you can trust me; I know what's out there.

I also know what works and what doesn't work.

Still have questions?

I've Got Answers

Will the live (CHF) Conversational Hypnosis Foundations training be recorded?

Everything will be recorded and you will be able to access the videos later on the learn.paulnorrish.online platform.

What format is the live (CHF) Conversational Hypnosis Foundations training?

Each day will consist of demonstrations - this will be experiential training, involving both delivering and receiving, so you experience both sides of the process.

Come ready to jump right in and learn by doing.

This is not strictly a theory-based training.

What's included in the learn.paulnorrish.online platform?

You will gain access to past (CHF) Conversational Hypnosis Foundations trainings, CHF Masterclasses, CHF Seminars, CHF Workshops, CHF Demos + Breakdowns, and additional learning materials to further deepen your understanding of the process.

How do I know this will work for me?

Although, the principles that underlie this way of working are simple, to truly master this process will require your practice and commitment.

That being said, you'll get everything you need to learn this process inside and out in the shortest period of time possible.

Even just understanding these principles alone will change the way you currently work with clients.

How far you want to take these skills is completely up to you.

What sets CHF from other hypnosis trainings?

1. CHF will fundamentally shift the way you understand what causes your client to transform.

It's like looking underneath the hood of a car.

Most of what is taught in the hypnosis world is outdated and continues to be taught because people don't question it, or are simply unaware that there is a better way.

As you'll come to realize, hypnosis, in the way it is traditionally taught, has very little to do with what causes your clients to get results.

Trance is merely a symptom of working with a client's unconscious mind that can be utilized to their benefit.

The emphasis with CHF is on how to transform your client in the shortest period of time possible.

2. CHF is an organic process. It's not forced, it's natural.

Regardless of what issue you are working with, although the same fundamental principles will apply, every CHF session will be different.

Even if you only work with people to overcome the same problem (e.g. quitting smoking) , every session will be unique and interesting.

With CHF, you will know how to adapt to your clients needs versus trying to fit them into a one-size-fits all technique or approach.

3. CHF is about experiential learning.

True insight into this approach comes from doing, not from reading about it.

The focus here is on applying first and breaking down what happened second.

4. CHF promotes a playful and fun approach, bringing a sense of lightness to working with clients.

Although you will still encounter strong emotions and be helping your client to work through difficult issues, it will be much easier to detach knowing what is possible for your client to experience in such a short period of time; all by doing less, not more.

5. You can charge more for CHF.

Using CHF will cut down the amount of time you work with each client while getting bigger and better results.

Helping your clients to get bigger and better results in less time means you can charge a premium price for what you do

How do I know I'll succeed with this training?

If you have a passion for helping others and are willing to put in the work, you will excel with CHF.

However, you do need to be committed to putting what I teach you into practice.

Although the principles are simple, you will only get better at this approach by consistently putting it into practice.

This is not something I can do for you, but if you're committed to doing so, I will be here to support you along the way.

Make A Greater Impact

Copyright 2024 | learn.paulnorrish.online

DISCLAIMER: You acknowledge and agree that we are not accredited by any governing body, nor are we a registered training organization and any outcome of taking part in an Online Course will not be considered a qualification, including any certification we provide to you; our Online Courses are available for purchase worldwide; however, we do not warrant or represent that the Content will comply with laws in the country you live and/or operate your business; we do not guarantee any particular outcome or benefit as a result of participating in the Online Course; and it is your responsibility to comply with all laws applicable to you, and you are solely responsible for the outcomes resulting from any implementation of the Content or learnings from the Online Course, when dealing with your clients.

CHF is intended for personal development and enhancement purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical or psychological conditions. Serious medical or psychological conditions should be addressed by a qualified healthcare professional.

All claims on this website represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.